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Arrival/Dismissal Procedures


* All car drop-offs will be in the back of the building. Only buses will be dropping students off in the front of the school.

* Students should try to EXIT on the CURB side.

* For morning drop-off there will only be one line.

*Breakfast will be served until 7:45 a.m. After that time, the cafeteria will be closed. 



* Car riders will be picked up in the back of the school. For safety and efficiency of our dismissal procedures, anyone arriving to campus by car should join the car rider line and pick up students from the back.

* For afternoon car line pick-up, we will run 2 lines.

* DO NOT EXIT THE VEHICLE to buckle your child in the loading zone. Please pull forward to the BUCKLE ZONE to assist your child.

* Walkers and bus riders will be dismissed from the front of the school.

*Bike Riders will be dismissed by 3:05 (or after buses have loaded and left)

*Walkers will be dismissed by 3:10.

*Reminder: For ride changes, please fill out THIS form BEFORE 2:30 PM to guarantee delivery. We are unable to dismiss students early after 2:15, unless they have an appointment.